Catalogus translationum Asterigis - a list of Asterix translations

Asterix speaks English W | English
Find the full list of albums in English on
Obelix' motto: «These Romans are crazy!»

Asterix speaks Scots W | Scots
Find the full list of albums in Scots on
Obelix' motto: «Thae Romans is glaikit!»

Asterix speaks American English W | American English
Find the full list of albums in American English on
Obelix' motto: «These Romans are crazy!»

Asterix speaks Swiss German W | Schwyzerdütsch / Bärndütsch
Find the full list of albums in Swiss German on
Obelix' motto: «Die schpinne, die ...!»

Ástríkur speaks Icelandic W | Íslenska
Find the full list of albums in Icelandic on
Obelix' motto: «Þessir Rómverjar eru klikk!»

Asterix speaks Danish W | Dansk
Find the full list of albums in Danish on
Obelix' motto: «De er skøre, de romere!»

Asterix speaks Norwegian Bokmål W | Norsk (Bokmål)
Find the full list of albums in Norwegian Bokmål on
Obelix' motto: «Romerne er sprø!»

Asterix speaks Karleby-Nedervetil dialect W | Grondsprååtsi
Find the full list of albums in Karleby-Nedervetil dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Ti är intt klook, tömti viikinga!»

Asterix speaks Swedish W | Svenska
Find the full list of albums in Swedish on
Obelix' motto: «De är inte kloka, de där romarna!»

Asterix speaks English (Easy Language) W | English (Easy Language)
Find the full list of albums in English (Easy Language) on
Obelix' motto: «These Romans are crazy!»

Asterix speaks Bavarian W | Boarisch
Find the full list of albums in Bavarian on
Obelix' motto: «De schbinna, die Leid!»

Asterix speaks Main Franconian W | Meefränggisch
Find the full list of albums in Main Franconian on
Obelix' motto: «Die hamm doch enn Batscher, di Besatzer!»

Asterix speaks German (Easy Language) W | Deutsch (Leichte Sprache)
Find the full list of albums in German (Easy Language) on
Obelix' motto: «Die spinnen, die Römer!»

Asterix speaks Twente dialect W | Twents
Find the full list of albums in Twente dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Frisian W | Frysk
Find the full list of albums in Frisian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Limburgish W | Limburgs
Find the full list of albums in Limburgish on
Obelix' motto: «Die zien gek, die Romeine!»

Asterix speaks Hunsrückisch W | Hunsrigger Platt
Find the full list of albums in Hunsrückisch on
Obelix' motto: «Deij honn se nimme all, diej Römer!»

Asterix speaks German W | Deutsch
Find the full list of albums in German on
Obelix' motto: «Die spinnen, die Römer!»

Asterix speaks Afrikaans W | Afrikaans
Find the full list of albums in Afrikaans on
Obelix' motto: «Hierdie Romeine is mal!»

Asterix speaks Luxembourgish W | Lëtzebuergesch
Find the full list of albums in Luxembourgish on
Obelix' motto: «Déi sin tibi, déi Réimer!»

Asterix speaks Gentian dialect W | Gents
Find the full list of albums in Gentian dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Palatian German W | Pälzisch
Find the full list of albums in Palatian German on
Obelix' motto: «Die sin blemblem, die Rämer!»

Asterix speaks Flemish W | Vlaams
Find the full list of albums in Flemish on
Obelix' motto: «Gekke jongens, die Romeinen!»

Asterix speaks South Tyrolian W | Sidtiroulerisch
Find the full list of albums in South Tyrolian on
Obelix' motto: «De hobm an Huscher, de Reimer!»

Asterix speaks Antwerpian dialect W | Antwerps
Find the full list of albums in Antwerpian dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Dutch W | Nederlands
Find the full list of albums in Dutch on
Obelix' motto: «Rare jongens, die Romeinen!»

Asterix speaks Berlin German W | Balinerisch
Find the full list of albums in Berlin German on
Obelix' motto: «Die spinnen, die Äjypta!»

Asterix speaks Swabian W | Schwäbisch
Find the full list of albums in Swabian on
Obelix' motto: «Dia schpennat, dia Römer!»

Asterix speaks Styrian W | Schtairisch
Find the full list of albums in Styrian on
Obelix' motto: «De schpinnan, de Griichn!»

Asterix speaks Baden dialect W | Badisch
Find the full list of albums in Baden dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Saxon W | Säggssch
Find the full list of albums in Saxon on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Alsatian W | Elsässisch
Find the full list of albums in Alsatian on
Obelix' motto: «Die Reemer, die han ebbs am Düdele!»

Asterix speaks Saarland dialect W | Saarlännisch
Find the full list of albums in Saarland dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Die hann doch e Schdisch, die ...!»

Asterix speaks Alemannic W | Alemannisch
Find the full list of albums in Alemannic on
Obelix' motto: «Die hän e Schiibe, die ...!»

Asterix speaks Ruhr German W | Ruhrdeutsch
Find the full list of albums in Ruhr German on
Obelix' motto: «Voll panne, die Römers!»

Asterix speaks Platt W | Platt
Find the full list of albums in Platt on
Obelix' motto: «De sünd mall, de ...!»

Asterix speaks Colognian dialect W | Kölsch
Find the full list of albums in Colognian dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Sin die jeck, die Römer!»

Asterix speaks Carinthian W | Kärntnarisch
Find the full list of albums in Carinthian on
Obelix' motto: «De sein tepat, de Rema!»

Asterix speaks Viennese German W | Wienerisch
Find the full list of albums in Viennese German on
Obelix' motto: «De hom an bekka, de Röma!»

Asterix speaks Hessian W | Hessisch
Find the full list of albums in Hessian on
Obelix' motto: «Die habbe en Dubbe, die Hesse!»

Asterix speaks Hamburgish W | Hamburgisch
Find the full list of albums in Hamburgish on
Obelix' motto: «Die ham ein anne Mahmel, die...!»

Asterix speaks Westphalian W | Westfäölsk
Find the full list of albums in Westphalian on
Obelix' motto: «De spinnt, de Römers!»

Asterix speaks East Frisian dialect W | Oostfreesk
Find the full list of albums in East Frisian dialect on
Obelix' motto: «De sünd mall, de Römers!»

Asterix speaks Tyrolian W | Tirolarisch
Find the full list of albums in Tyrolian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Aachen dialect W | Öcher Platt
Find the full list of albums in Aachen dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Die sönd jeck, die Rüemer!»

Asterix speaks Upper Franconian W | Oberfrängisch
Find the full list of albums in Upper Franconian on
Obelix' motto: «Die håm doch an Schlåch, die Römä!»

Asterix speaks Munich dialect W | Münchnerisch
Find the full list of albums in Munich dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks East Franconian W | Fränggisch
Find the full list of albums in East Franconian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Moselle Franconian W | Muhselfränggisch
Find the full list of albums in Moselle Franconian on
Obelix' motto: «Dähn es net ganz emper, däh Römer!»

Asterix speaks Düsseldorf dialect W | Düsseldorwer Platt
Find the full list of albums in Düsseldorf dialect on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Thuringian W | Thieringsch
Find the full list of albums in Thuringian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Mainz dialect W | Määnzerisch
Find the full list of albums in Mainz dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Die sinn plemplem, die Römer!»

Asterix speaks Aragonese W | Aragonés
Find the full list of albums in Aragonese on
Obelix' motto: «Son fols, istos romans!»

Asterix speaks Italian W | Italiano
Find the full list of albums in Italian on
Obelix' motto: «Sono pazzi questi romani!»

Asterix speaks Galician W | Galego
Find the full list of albums in Galician on
Obelix' motto: «Están tolos, estes roman(o)s!»

Asterix speaks Antillean Creole W | Kréyol Antiyé
Find the full list of albums in Antillean Creole on
Obelix' motto: «Yé pèdi yé tet sé romen-an!»

Astérix speaks Picard W | Ch'ti
Find the full list of albums in Picard on
Obelix' motto: «Is sont fin braques ches romains-lo!»

Astérix speaks Occitan W | Occitan
Find the full list of albums in Occitan on
Obelix' motto: «Son calucs, aqueles Romans!»

Astérix speaks Gallo W | Gallo
Find the full list of albums in Gallo on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Asturian W | Asturianu
Find the full list of albums in Asturian on
Obelix' motto: «¡Tán llocos estos Romanos!»

Astérix speaks Walloon of Liége W | Wallon Liégeois
Find the full list of albums in Walloon of Liége on
Obelix' motto: «¡ Sont makés, cès Romins-la ! »

Astérix speaks French W | Français
Find the full list of albums in French on
Obelix' motto: «Ils sont fous, ces Romains!»

Asterix speaks Latin W | Latina
Find the full list of albums in Latin on
Obelix' motto: «Delirant isti Romani!»

Asterix speaks Romanian W | Română
Find the full list of albums in Romanian on
Obelix' motto: «Ţicniţi mai sunt Romanii ăştia!»

Asterix speaks Vallader Romansh W | Vallader
Find the full list of albums in Vallader Romansh on
Obelix' motto: «Quels sbattan, qists Romauns.»

Asterix speaks Sursilvan Romansh W | Sursilvan
Find the full list of albums in Sursilvan Romansh on
Obelix' motto: «I battan, ils Romans!»

Astérix speaks Spanish (Neutral) W | Español 'neutro' (Mexico)
Find the full list of albums in Spanish (Neutral) on
Obelix' motto: «¡Estos romanos están chiflados!»

Astérix speaks Corsican W | Corsu
Find the full list of albums in Corsican on
Obelix' motto: «»

Astèrix speaks Valencian W | Valencià
Find the full list of albums in Valencian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Rumantsch Grischun W | Rumantsch Grischun
Find the full list of albums in Rumantsch Grischun on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Spanish (Argentina) W | Español (Argentina)
Find the full list of albums in Spanish (Argentina) on
Obelix' motto: «¡Están chiflados estos romanos!»

Asterix speaks Spanish (Castilian) W | Castellano
Find the full list of albums in Spanish (Castilian) on
Obelix' motto: «¡Están locos estos romanos!»

Asterix speaks Catalan W | Català
Find the full list of albums in Catalan on
Obelix' motto: «Són boigs, aquests Romans!»

Asterix speaks Mirandese W | Mirandés
Find the full list of albums in Mirandese on
Obelix' motto: «Estes romanos son boubos!»

Astérix speaks Réunion Creole W | Kréol Rényoné
Find the full list of albums in Réunion Creole on
Obelix' motto: «Bann romin la po vni fou!»

Asterix speaks Brazilian Portuguese W | Português do Brasil
Find the full list of albums in Brazilian Portuguese on
Obelix' motto: «São loucos, estes romanos!»

Astérix speaks Portuguese W | Português
Find the full list of albums in Portuguese on
Obelix' motto: «Esses romanos são uns loucos!»

Αστερικον speaks Pontic Greek W | Ποντιακά
Find the full list of albums in Pontic Greek on
Obelix' motto: «Παλαλοί είναι αοντοίν οι Ρωμαίοι!»

Αστερικκος speaks Cypriot Greek W | Κυπριακά
Find the full list of albums in Cypriot Greek on
Obelix' motto: «»

Αστερικακης speaks Cretan W | Κρητικά
Find the full list of albums in Cretan on
Obelix' motto: «»

Αστερίξ speaks Greek W | Ελληνικά
Find the full list of albums in Greek on
Obelix' motto: «Είναι τρελοί αυτοί οι Ρωμαίοι!»

Αστερίκιος speaks Attic Greek W | ἡ ἑλληνικὴ
Find the full list of albums in Attic Greek on
Obelix' motto: «Παραφρονες οι Ρωμαιοι!»

Asteriks speaks Breton W | Brezhoneg
Find the full list of albums in Breton on
Obelix' motto: «Foll-mik, ar romaned-se!»

Asterix speaks Scottish Gaelic W | Gàidhlig
Find the full list of albums in Scottish Gaelic on
Obelix' motto: «Tha na Ròmanaich seo cracte!»

Asterix speaks Irish W | Gaeilge
Find the full list of albums in Irish on
Obelix' motto: «Craiceáilte, na Rómhánaigh seo!»

Asterix speaks Welsh W | Cymraeg
Find the full list of albums in Welsh on
Obelix' motto: «Mae cnoc ar y Rhufeiniaid 'ma!»

Asterikss speaks Latvian W | Latviešu
Find the full list of albums in Latvian on
Obelix' motto: «Viņi ir traki, tie romieši!»

Asteriksas speaks Lithuanian W | Lietuvių
Find the full list of albums in Lithuanian on
Obelix' motto: «Tie romėnai - tikri bepročiai!»

Asterix speaks Slovak W | Slovenčina
Find the full list of albums in Slovak on
Obelix' motto: «Tí Briti sú blázni!»

Asteriks speaks Polish W | Polski
Find the full list of albums in Polish on
Obelix' motto: «Ale głupi ci Rzymianie!»

Asteriks speaks Silesian W | Ślōnski
Find the full list of albums in Silesian on
Obelix' motto: «Zgupły te Rzymiany!»

Asterix speaks Czech W | Čeština
Find the full list of albums in Czech on
Obelix' motto: «Ti Římané jsou blázni!»

Астерікс speaks Ukrainian W | Українська
Find the full list of albums in Ukrainian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Астерикс speaks Russian W | Русский
Find the full list of albums in Russian on
Obelix' motto: «Эти римляне - психи!»

Asterix speaks Slovenian W | Slovenščina
Find the full list of albums in Slovenian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Астерикс speaks Bulgarian W | Български
Find the full list of albums in Bulgarian on
Obelix' motto: «Тия римляни са луди!»

Asteriks speaks Serbo-Croatian W | Srpskohrvatski
Find the full list of albums in Serbo-Croatian on
Obelix' motto: «Baš su šašavi ovi Rimljani!»

Asterix speaks Burgenland Croatian W | Gradišćanskohrvatski
Find the full list of albums in Burgenland Croatian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Croatian W | Hrvatski
Find the full list of albums in Croatian on
Obelix' motto: «Baš su šašavi ti Rimljani!»

Астерикс speaks Serbian W | Српски
Find the full list of albums in Serbian on
Obelix' motto: «Шашави су ти Римљани!»

Asteriks speaks Esperanto W | Esperanto
Find the full list of albums in Esperanto on
Obelix' motto: «Ili frenezas, la Romianoj! »

آستريكس speaks Persian W | فارسی
Find the full list of albums in Persian on
Obelix' motto: «!اين رومی ها ديو انه اند »

অ্যাসটেরিক্স speaks Bengali W | বাংলা
Find the full list of albums in Bengali on
Obelix' motto: «এই রোমানগুলো পাগল। »

සූර පප්පා speaks Sinhalese W | සිංහල
Find the full list of albums in Sinhalese on
Obelix' motto: «මේ බ්රිතාන්යකාරයින්ට පිස්සු »

एस्ट्रिक्स speaks Hindi W | हिन्दी
Find the full list of albums in Hindi on
Obelix' motto: «ये रोमन तो पागल होते हैं।»

Asterix speaks Estonian W | Eesti
Find the full list of albums in Estonian on
Obelix' motto: «Need britid on hullud!»

Asterix speaks Hungarian W | Magyar
Find the full list of albums in Hungarian on
Obelix' motto: «Dilisek ezek a rómaiak!»

Asterix speaks Helsinki slang W | Stadin slangi
Find the full list of albums in Helsinki slang on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asteriks speaks Savonian W | Savvoo
Find the full list of albums in Savonian on
Obelix' motto: «»

Asterix speaks Karelian dialect W | Karjala
Find the full list of albums in Karelian dialect on
Obelix' motto: «Hullui hyö o rooma akatkii!»

Asteriks speaks Rauma Finnish W | Rauma
Find the full list of albums in Rauma Finnish on
Obelix' motto: «Hullui nua roomlaise!»

Asterix speaks Finnish W | Suomi
Find the full list of albums in Finnish on
Obelix' motto: «Hulluja nuo roomalaiset!»

أستريكس speaks Arabic W | العربية
Find the full list of albums in Arabic on
Obelix' motto: «!هؤلاء الرومان مجانين »

אַסְטֶרִיקְס speaks Hebrew W | עִבְרִית
Find the full list of albums in Hebrew on
Obelix' motto: «!הם מטורפים הרומאים האלו »

Asteriks speaks Maltese W | Malti
Find the full list of albums in Maltese on
Obelix' motto: «»

Астерикс speaks Mongolian W | Монгол
Find the full list of albums in Mongolian on
Obelix' motto: «»

아스테릭스 speaks Korean W | 한국어
Find the full list of albums in Korean on
Obelix' motto: «로마 놈들, 제정신이 아냐!»

アステリックス speaks Japanese W | 日本語
Find the full list of albums in Japanese on
Obelix' motto: «気違いだこいつらローマ人は!»

Asterix speaks Indonesian W | Bahasa Indonesia
Find the full list of albums in Indonesian on
Obelix' motto: «Orang-orang Romawi memang gila!»

阿斯特克斯 speaks Mandarin Chinese W | 普通話
Find the full list of albums in Mandarin Chinese on
Obelix' motto: «这些罗马人 真是疯了!»

Astérix speaks Vietnamese W | Tiếng Việt
Find the full list of albums in Vietnamese on
Obelix' motto: «Bọn La Mã này điên cả rồi.»

Asteriks speaks Turkish W | Türkçe
Find the full list of albums in Turkish on
Obelix' motto: «Bu Romalılar kafayı yemiş!»

แอสเตอริกซ์ speaks Thai W | ภาษาไทย
Find the full list of albums in Thai on
Obelix' motto: «พรุกโรมัน ถ้าจะบ้า... »

矮子得 speaks Cantonese Chinese W | 廣東話
Find the full list of albums in Cantonese Chinese on
Obelix' motto: «發瘋的羅馬人!»

Asterix speaks Greenlandic W | Kalaallisut
Find the full list of albums in Greenlandic on
Obelix' motto: «Ruumamium miuku tinnaartut!»

Asterix speaks Basque W | Euskara
Find the full list of albums in Basque on
Obelix' motto: «Zoraturik daude Erromatar hauek!»